Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Elements & Figures

Easy- One is made up of the other, just like atoms and molecules. Elements are 1) a segment of motion in a single linear or curving direction performed by a train that 2) constitutes the entire duration of movement in that direction (the atoms). Figures are simply combinations of multiple elements, or multiple figures (like molecules).

The boundaries between elements are set; whenever the direction changes it's a new one, and if the direction hasn't changed, the element isn't over yet. There are exceptions to this rule, such as when an element leads into certain track features (see next topic), but for the most part, elements begin when you start moving in a direction, and don't stop until you change that direction.

The boundaries between figures are more arbitrary but are generally designed to either 1) clump together commonly used patterns of elements or figures for convenient classification or 2) identify a set of elements/figures grouped specifically to provide an intended thrill or sensation. This is important; not just any random series of elements can be called a figure. For instance, a section of straight track followed by a left S-bend is just that- two elements, not the world's most boring figure.

On most roller coasters, figures are generally separated by stretches of simple elements (see Element Glossary) to give the riders a moment to catch their breath, and multiple complex figures encountered consecutively is one of the traits common to the most intense roller coasters.

Example 1-1
Example 1.1
The elements of half-loop (blue) and downscrew (green) combine to form the figure Sidewinder (yellow), which combines with the figure Reverse Sidewinder (orange) to form the figure Cobra Roll (red).

So to recap; an element is
  • A segment of motion in one direction, either linear or curvilinear (vocabulary word). Their boundaries are determined by changes in direction of motion. The names of elements are not capitalized. (e.g. corkscrew, half loop)
And a figure is
  • A string of elements or smaller figures encountered together to provide a specific thrill or sensation for the rider. Names of figures are capitalized. (e.g. Cobra Roll, Batwing, Psycho-Death Spiral*)
*The Psycho-Death Spiral is not an actual figure. Yet.

Track Features

Track Features are elements that contain mechanical equipment physically necessary for the operation of the coaster and are not present on every (or nearly every) section of track. For instance, a straightaway and brake run are identical except the brake run has, well, brakes. Additionally, not every section of track has brakes, and thank goodness or what a dull ride that would be! A brake run is a track feature.

Other track features include:
  • lift hills, stations, block brakes, LIM/LSMs, retarder motors, anti-rollback plates, flywheels...
Things that are not track features:
  • handrails, catwalks, stairs, track supports, onride cameras, sensors, loudspeakers, pigeons...

Ride Features

Another pretty basic one: ride features are simply things which are not actual sections of track, but are intended to give a specific thrill or sensation to the riders.

Ride features include:
  • tunnels, flybys, queue bridges, crocodile pits*, false track, animatronics, splashdowns, landscaping, onboard music, pyrotechnics, mist, live actors... you get the idea.
*Yes, for a while Montu at Busch Gardens Africa dangled riders precariously over a pit of live crocodiles.

Change (∆) in Direction

Change in Direction (also written ∆ Direction) is simply a measure of how much the element or figure changes the train's direction of travel from entry to exit. It is represented as a number in degrees from 0° to 180°, and is an absolute measure (meaning that movement n° to the left or right yield the same ∆ Direction). ∆ Direction only represents horizontal movement, and it is extremely easy to calculate, at least approximately.

The direction you are traveling in when you enter the figure or element is 0°, and if you are traveling in the same direction when you leave, it's a ∆ Direction of 0°. (Think vertical loop. If the loop wasn't there, it would be a straight piece of track.) If the figure turns you all the way around, like a Cobra Roll, now you're talking 180°. (If the Cobra Roll wasn't there, you'd need to make a U-turn to get back on track.) A 90° turn right or left is, well, 90°. And so on.

Example 1.2
The vertical loop (pink), as stated above has a ∆ Direction of 0° because you exit in the same direction you entered. The Inside Raven Turn (teal) turns you completely around so it's ∆ Direction is 180°. The orange curved track element turns you about a ∆ Direction of 45°, and the blue one has a ∆ Direction of 90°

It takes a little bit of abstract thinking, sure, but understanding ∆ Direction is necessary to understanding Mirror/Inverse, coming up below. Oooh, scary.

Mirror or Inverse

Example 1.3

Front, Back, Left & Right

This one's wicked easy. If you are on the train about to enter the element, you are looking at the front. The other side is the back. The side to your left is the left side. The side to your right is the right side. In case this still doesn't make sense, here's example 1.4

Example 1.4
Manny the Cobra Roll shows off his best sides.

Inversion or Inverter

The two words look alike, nearly sound alike and are occasionally used in place of each other, but there is a crucial and easy-to-grasp difference between them. An inversion turns the train all the way upside down and then back again, whereas an inverter turns you upside-down and then leaves you there. Or starts with you upside-down and brings you back right-side up again.

Example: A vertical loop is an inversion. But if you cut it in half right at the top, (not that we're advocating that...) you would be left with two inverters, because either side would flip the train only once from one end to the other. Many elements are inverters (see half loop, upscrew, downscrew) but the only inverting figures are found on fourth-dimension or flying coasters, where upside-down or right-side up doesn't matter! Inversions are a dime a dozen.

Example 2.1